Unity University Students Complete Basic Tax Law Training Program
የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ሲኢኦና ፕሬዚዳንት ዶ/ርአረጋ ይርዳው የመሪነት ዘይቤያቸውን/ ዘዴያቸውን በአዲስአበባ ንግድና የዘርፍ ማህበራት ምክር ቤት እና SAK የሥልጠናና ማማከር አገልግሎት ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ በይፋ በተጀመረው ፕሮግራም ላይ የዘርፉን ፈተናዎች እና ምርጥ ተሞክሯቸውን በስብሰባው ለተካፈሉት የቢዝነስ ሥራ መሪዎች እና ሥራ ፈጣሪዎች አካፍለዋል፡፡
The Power of Leadership
We are delighted to announce that our university’s president, who is also the former CEO of MIDROC Technology Group, will be delivering an exceptional speech at the Rotary Ethiopia Joint Fellowship Seminar. This seminar focuses on the theme “The Path to Business Prosperity: Exploring the Best Leadership Techniques.”
Save the date and Join us on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the prestigious Jupiter International Hotel Bole Branch. Prepare to be inspired as our esteemed speaker, a leader, author, technologist
University Conducts Curriculum Review Workshop for BSc in Civil Engineering
The Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, on April 15, 2024, conducted Curriculum Review Workshop for BSc Degree in Civil Engineering. The half-day Workshop was held in the Conference Hall of the University Main Office, Gerji. Present on the occasion were Faculty Deans, Department Heads, invited guests from the Construction Industry and staff of the Faculty.
“Unity University’s President and CEO Explores the Power of Public-Private Partnerships in Higher Education: Implications for Autonomy”
Enlightening speech by the CEO and President of Unity University, Dr. Arega Yirdaw at the In-Campus Seminar Series held on April 15,2024 at Civil Service University with a theme of “Public-Private Partnership in Higher Education: Implication for Autonomy”.
Exploring the dynamic realm of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Higher Education and its implications on autonomy was a thoughtful session that underscored the significance of strategic partnerships in driving progress and autonomy in today’s evolving socio-economic landscape. The key points discussed among others were University- Industry linkage, Teaching and Learning, Research and Community Service, Innovation and Technology, Knowledge-based management, Funding and Intellectual Property.
The discourse delved into the intricate balance between governmental control and private sector involvement, shedding light on how such collaborations can impact autonomy within various sectors emphasizing the potential of different models in empowering autonomy while ensuring sustainable growth.
Our esteemed University President, Dr. Arega, delivered an inspiring speech at the Rotary Club Ethiopia on April 18, 2024, focusing on the topic
Dr. Arega covered a number of important subjects in his thought-provoking speech, such as the value of discipline and timeliness, the skill of establishing and organizing institutions, and the fundamentals of effective leadership.
He underscored the importance of leadership in forming identities and influencing communities by citing examples from a variety of fields, including the parental role as model leaders and the ways in which industrial leaders throughout the continent are shaped by their surroundings. Dr. Arega shed light on the value that leaders bring to a nation, emphasizing the importance of people-oriented leadership and fostering passion within employees. He shared insightful examples from his institution’s day-to-day interactions, highlighting the significance of attendance and love for one’s organization.
During his speech, he outlined the attributes of leadership, including organizational structure, governance, operations, benefit management, handling challenges, and effectively managing people. These aspects contribute to the success and growth of an institution. He emphasized the need for proper management of inputs, processes, and outputs within an institution, accompanied by valuable feedback. Dr. Arega also discussed the importance of benefit management and the involvement of various stakeholders such as the government, employees, the institution itself, the community, and the owners.
Addressing the challenges faced by institutions, he highlighted the significance of respecting government policies and directives, emphasizing constructive engagement and knowledge-based leadership. He stressed the importance of collaboration with universities to share best practices, transfer technology and knowledge, and foster a knowledge-intensive industry. In conclusion, Dr. Arega emphasized that human capital should be the foremost consideration in managing employees, recognizing its pivotal role in an organization’s success.
We are proud to have such a visionary leader guiding our university towards excellence and inspiring the young generation to become future leaders.
Exciting Updates from Unity University!
We had an insightful half-day Meeting with Dr. Arega Yirdaw, President of Unity University, and our dedicated Academic Staff on April 19, 2024. During the meeting held at our Conference Hall in Gerji, the latest policies issued by the Federal Education and Training Authority were discussed. It was a productive session aimed at familiarizing our staff with the new policies and ensuring to continue to provide top-notch education to our students. Unity University remains committed to delivering excellence in education and shaping the future of our students. Stay tuned for more updates!
Unity University Convenes Alumni Society Meeting
Universities without Alumni participation are simply not complete. In light of this, the University has tried a few times to institutionalise Alumni activities as part of its functions. This statement was made by Dr. Arega Yirdaw, President of Unity University, on April 27, 2024, in his Message at Unity University Alumni Society Meeting, held in the Conference Hall of the University Main Office, Gerji.
From the outset, Dr. Arega expressed his gratitude and congratulated the leadership of the Alumni for making it possible to have the gathering, which was focused on the theme of strengthening membership activities. The University President emphatically noted that the persistent effort aimed at institutionalising and strengthening University Alumni Society “is done with full recognition of the value of Alumni participation to the University as well as the individuals who opted to join the membership”.
Unity University Staff Observe Mothers’ Day for Second Time
Female and male staff of Unity University, on May 13, 2024, observed Mothers’ Day event for the second time. The half-day event was held in the Conference Hall of the University Main Office, Gerji. It is to be recalled that the event was observed for the first time on May 15, 2023.
Addressing the capacity audience, Dr. Arega Yirdaw, President of Unity University, welcomed all in attendance and briefly talked about how the event was hitherto observed by MIDROC Technology Group staff, Mechare. He subsequently noted that the current effort was to replicate that tradition at Unity University.
From the outset, Dr. Arega pointed out, “There is a lot to be told about mothers.” In this connection, he made note of the protective, caring and pacifying nature of mothers; and underscored, “By the time women came to power in big number and had the upper-hand in political leadership, the world would be a peaceful place to live in.”
University Signs Memorandum of Understanding with
Unity University, on May 31, 2024, organised and conducted Curriculum Review Workshop for six Programmes, as part of the requirement for the relicensing process.
In his rather brief Speech at the Opening Session of the Workshop, which was conducted in the Conference Hall of the University Main Office, Gerji, Dr. Arega Yirdaw, President of Unity University, expressed his gratitude to all in attendance for coming; and underscored that the University had been delivering the Programmes for a long time and said, “This Review Workshop is being conducted to satisfy the requirements of the Education and Training Authority (ETA).” He continued, “We have to be legal and abide by the requirements of the Government.”
Also in his Welcoming Speech, Dr. Butte Gotu, Senior Academic Vice President, thanked and welcomed all in attendance; and noted that present among the participants were representatives of Regulatory Bodies, Government Ministries, Higher Education Institutions, both public and private, Finance Sector institutions, as well as representatives of various Campuses of the University outside Gerji, Alumni and others.
Dr. Butte went on to discuss about the Programmes, both Postgraduate and Undergraduate levels, currently offered by the University after being accredited or obtaining license. He also stated that the Programmes were offered in five Campuses located in Addis Ababa, Burayu, Adama and Dessie as well as in Distance Centers, in nine cities and towns across the country.
“Empowering Financial Journalism: Unity University’s Journey with BMIA FJT Program”
We are thrilled to share the incredible journey our esteemed staff embarked on during the Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa (BMIA) Financial Journalism Training (FJT) Inaugural Workshop.
A few months ago, a team from BMIA, in collaboration with Strathmore University, approached Unity University with an extraordinary opportunity to launch the Financial Journalism Training (FJT) program in Ethiopia. Our Institution eagerly accepted, assembling a team of talented individuals from Unity University and Addis Ababa University to spearhead the program’s implementation.
Recently, our team had the privilege of attending the BMIA FJT Phase 3 Faculty Training Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. This workshop brought together brilliant minds from various countries, including Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Ghana, and Zimbabwe, all of whom have already successfully implemented the FJT program in their respective regions. The workshop served as a platform for invaluable experience sharing and provided valuable insights into their journey.
During this workshop, the team delved into a wide range of essential topics, including FJT roles and responsibilities, curriculum evolution, content delivery strategies, program management insights, and the impact of digital media on financial journalism in East Africa and globally. The team also had the opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned from the previous phases of the program and discuss the necessary adaptations for the Ethiopian context.
The discussions were enlightening, and the team gained a wealth of knowledge from the experienced practitioners and graduates of the FJT program and learned about overcoming challenges faced by previous implementers, gained an overview of the curriculum and module contents, explored the role of Bloomberg Data Terminal, and discovered the significance of professional ethics and integrity in the field.
The workshop also emphasized the power of unity and teamwork in realizing the program’s goals. By discussed the program’s relevance in light of the newly launched Stock and Capital Market in Ethiopia and gained a deeper understanding of the essential tasks and procedures required for a successful program rollout.
Looking ahead, Unity University is delighted to share the exciting roadmap for the implementation of the FJT program in Ethiopia. With the guidance of the Secretariat Director (SBS) and the Senior Program Manager from Bloomberg, have outlined key milestones, including marketing preparations in June, the second workshop in July, admissions, and program launch preparations in August, proposed program launching in September, graduation in May, and program closeout in June.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Bloomberg for creating this exceptional program, and our sincere appreciation to Strathmore University for hosting such an impactful workshop. We are immensely grateful for their unwavering support in making this program a reality.
Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this incredible journey to empower the future of Financial Journalism in Ethiopia! Together, we will make a difference.
Unity University Conducts Curriculum Review
Workshop for Six Programmes
Unity University, on May 24, 2024, signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with CAPE ALKEBULAN BUSINESS GROUP PLC (CAPE), based on the parties’ mutual intention to establish a basis of cooperation and collaboration.
The MoU, which was signed by Dr. Arega Yirdaw, CEO & President of Unity University, and Professor Mengesha Mersha, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CAPE ALKEBULAN BUSINESS GROUP PLC (CAPE), stipulates that the parties wish to promote and provide professional nurses and other skilled individuals to enter local and international workforce. The document further noted that the parties have agreed to promote and provide professional nurses and other skill training opportunities.
Accordingly, the purpose of the MoU is to establish a short-term training center, which adds value to nurse professionals training of Unity University and other skill-based programmes aiming at securing employability opportunities. It is also noted that the implementation of the project strengthens an appropriate technology transfer and development capacity on soft and hard skills of trainees.
Moreover, the document stated the scope of the MoU as establishing a foundation for future cooperation and interaction between the parties involved in healthcare and other skill-based services. The MoU further noted that the cooperation would focus on training, searching for appropriate technology transfer and development, as well as capacity building.
The document further outlined the Responsibilities of the two parties and their Joint Responsibilities as well as the Financial and other Resource Agreements. The MoU also covered other related issues, such as Communication, Legal Relationship, Dispute Resolution, Liaison, Confidentiality, Duration and Amendment of the Agreement.
University Staff,
Management Celebrate Annual Mesqel Demera Festival
Unity university staff and management celebrated the colorful annual Mesqel Demera Festival on September 24, 2021 in the compound of Unity Academy, Gerji Branch.
The afternoon of September 24, 2021, the whole compound of Unity Academy, Gerji Branch was in colorful festive mood. There were two huge shades in place with line of plastic seats to welcome the staff and officials of the University Management. There was another small tent, which housed facilities of the traditional Coffee Ceremony, which involved the “Rekebot”, with rows of coffee cups, and the aroma of incense; and, of course, the “ Demera”. All shades were decorated with the beautiful “ Adey Abeba”, the yellow flower, which is endemic to Ethiopia and comes only around the beginning of Ethiopian New Year. On top of that, there was the melody of traditional festive Ethiopian music from the University Sound System.
When it comes to the human element, there were female staff of the University and Unity Academy, clad in their colorful traditional dresses, who added special colour to the festivity. The staff flocking to the venue were in festive mood, too, wishing each other Happy New Year and Mesquel Demera. The seats in the shades were arranged in such a way the COVIS- 19 protocol was observed.
The event kicked –off with arrival of the Guest of Honour for the day, Dr. Arega Yirdaw, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Unity University, and his wife, accompanied by high-level officials of the University. The occasion was honoured with the playing of popular song for the event, “ Yeselam Yihunlin; addusu amet addisu zemen”, which the crowd joined with standing ovation. With this, the Master of Cermony, Wz. Tegest Heruy, briefly talked about the event and invited Dr. Arega to deliver his opening remarks.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Arega Yirdaw wished all in attendance a happy New Year and Mesqel Demera Festival; and noted that the event was a continuation of the Annual Mesqel Demera Celebration, which was formerly practiced at the Mechare CEO Office. He underscored that the event was a commendable practice and it should continue, as it would enhance health and amicable relations among the staff. Dr. Arga also briefly talked about his recent visit to Dessie, where displaced persons from troubled areas of North Wollo were sheltered. He mentioned the hardship they were facing and said, “These people are suffering for crimes they have not committed.”
The University President pointed out that the tradition of celebrating Mesquel Demera Fastivasl by the University staff should continue. He said, “The Leadership of the University could come and go. But the tradition of celebrating this event should always be there.” As a passing remark, he expressed his admiration for the traditional dresses of the female staff. He said, “ They are clad in their traditional dresses to please us. They are adorable.”
Dr. Arega dwelt at length on matters related to Unity University. He underscored , “ when we serve Unity University, we should bear in mind that we are working for its sustainability. We should work to ensure that it should continue as a respected educational institution. We should be able to ensure that the University lives up to the expectations of the public, which was high regard for our University. Moreover, the University Management should continue as employee- focused.”